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Want More Social Media Hits? Try Posting Pictures Of Cats Instead Of Jewelry February 25, 2015 (0 comments)
Merrick, NY—Need to boost your social media page? Try posting cat pictures. Even better if you can find a cooperative feline who’s willing to both wear a diamond necklace and sit still for the camera, or do something cat lovers can relate to, such as this kitty about to play hockey with a diamond ring. (Image: Pinterest)
Cats dominate the Internet—cat photos and videos are almost twice as likely to go viral as dogs, while founder Ben Huh of the cat-centric Cheezburger Network, says 10 times more cat photos than dog photos are submitted to the site. Indeed, there’s even a cat Internet video festival now—the first one, at the Walker Arts Center in Minneapolis last year, attracted 10,000 visitors, making museum history.
Cats are tremendously popular on the Internet, explains a release from, a new photo-sharing app that allows social media users to selectively share photos with certain friends. Those not on the list will see—you guessed it—cute kitty photos instead. Here’s why the site chose cats (and why a creative promotion centered around cats or cat rescue could garner lots of visibility for you, too):
- In 2013, CBS News reported that 15% of all Internet traffic is cat-related.
- 350,000 cat owners have created Twitter/Facebook accounts for their cats.
- In 2014, more than 3.8 million cat videos and photos were shared every day.
- According to a 2012 Hiroshima University study, looking at cat photos makes people more productive and the cuteness triggers positive emotion.
- According to Google, people search the word “cats” online more than 30 million times per month.
- There are over 49 million posts of cats on Instagram.
- Cats go viral more frequently than any other animal on the Internet, with over 11 million results when searched on YouTube.