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WHEN COMPLAINING AT WORK CAN BE A GOOD THING February 27, 2013 (0 comments)


New York, NY—Imagine a workplace where no one ever complains. If it exists, it’s either in an alternate universe or the employees have been consuming a lot of mind-altering substances.

There are many iterations of the popular "take a number" poster at left, but office complaining can actually be healthy, according to this article in The New York Times. When we suppress dissatisfaction, it comes out in other areas, including lowered productivity and higher absenteesim. Workplaces that allow employees to respectfully complain have the highest morale and collegiality.

The trick, of course, is to monitor the fine line between constructive complaining that can get issues and problems solved, and toxic, incessant complaining that foments dissent and drags other employees down. A legitimate complaint that goes unaddressed (such as bullying or harassment) can lead to legal action, but the chronic complainer who repeatedly refuses help or complains about the solutions offered may ultimately have to go.

If you’re the one with a beef, says the article, make sure you take it to the person who can actually solve the problem. Griping about your salary or the office thermostat to colleagues may make you feel better for a while, but the one who can give you a raise or turn down the air conditioning is the boss. 

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