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SELECT By Centurion Jewelry Show Coming To Dallas, Nashville, Connecticut In August, September May 23, 2013 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Going into their fourth year, the SELECT By Centurion jewelry shows are gaining momentum.

For 2013  SELECT By Centurion presents a three-show schedule:

  • Dallas, August 25-26 (Ritz Carlton);
  • Nashville, September 22-23 (Loews Vanderbilt);
  • MGM Grand at Foxwoods (Mashantucket, CT) September 29-30.

All three shows are sell-outs with more than 50 exhibitors, educational seminars, upper-tier hotel venues, hospitality and a new retailer marketing opportunity dubbed the Retailer Postcard Power Program.

SELECT By Centurion has also just introduced its new web site located at The site is organized with a separate section for each show, detailing the exhibitors, show schedule with education, special programs, local attractions and a registration page.

“The exhibitors at SELECT By Centurion include a well-edited mix of more than 50 exclusive collections that appeal to the better fine jewelry store,” said show managers Joe Carullo, KC Designs; Bryan Cohen, Timeless Designs; and Howard Hauben, Centurion. “We pride ourselves in offering retailers and designers elegant, intimate and safe buying experiences, designed to help them finish their holiday buying in style,” they added.

Sunday/Monday Show Days
Each SELECT By Centurion show is on a Sunday and Monday, with show hours from 10 AM-6 PM on the Sunday and 10 AM-5 PM on Monday. “These are the perfect days for retail jewelers to attend our shows because many stores are actually closed on Sundays and Mondays,” said Carullo, Cohen and Hauben.

SELECT By Centurion offers Sunday Night Cocktail Parties with drinks and hors d’oeuvres at each 2013 show between 6:30-8:00 PM as follows: Dallas, Perry’s Steak House (shown above, left, across the street from the Ritz Carlton); Nashville, new Lobby Bar at the Loews Vanderbilt (with special Nashville-style entertainment); and the High Rollers Luxury Lanes & Lounge at Foxwoods (shown above, right), where attendees can enjoy a networking evening including bowling.

The 2013 Educational Program (sessions are from 9-10 AM each day) includes the following: “Closing More Sales at Higher Gross Margins” with retailer Robert Wizig of Robert’s Jewelry, Houston, on Sunday in Dallas and with retailer Dan Schuyler, Lily & Company, Sanibel Island, FL on Sunday in Nashville.


Monday in Dallas offers the "Changes in the Diamond Market and How They Affect Your Business" seminar presented by Fiabane and Kroh, the new consulting team recently created by Marybeth Kroh (above, right) and Lauren Fiabane (above, left), former top training execs with Hamilton Jewelers, Princeton, NJ.

On Monday in Nashville it’s the "Teamwork:  Training Your Employees to  Work Together Successfully" seminar, presented by Fiabane and Kroh.

And at Foxwoods SELECT By Centurion presents Fiabane and Kroh with a two-part series on Sunday and Monday mornings, entitled "Leadership Training: Making the Most of Your Employees and Creating  Internal Product Category Experts to Close More Sales."

A new addition to the SELECT By Centurion shows this year is the Retailer Postcard Power Program. "We suggest making SELECT By Centurion a Holiday shopping show with an added purpose--to plan the creation and mailing at a great price of 5,000 or more beautiful jumbo postcards incorporating the exhibitors you choose to work with," said Carullo, Cohen and Hauben. This opportunity is made possible with the show's new Retailer Postcard Power Program detailed in each section of the show web site at under Special Programs.

For further information or to register call 1-888-427-4697 or +516-377-5909, email or visit

The SELECT By Centurion shows, formerly known as the SELECT Jewelry shows, are run by a partnership created in 2012 between Joe Carullo, K.C. Designs and Bryan Cohen, Timeless Designs (founders of SELECT in 2010 with their partners) and Centurion Jewelry By Invitation Only, LLC, the company, launched by Howard Hauben in 2001, that owns and operates the Centurion Jewelry shows.