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5 Interesting Jewelry Blog Ideas to Engage Your Audience July 31, 2020 (0 comments)


Are you looking forward to brainstorming jewelry blog ideas to drive traffic to your business blog?

Once you have created your jewelry blog, you’ll discover that coming up with consistent killer ideas is one of the hardest parts of business blogging. Relying on your brain alone and on the topics that you want to write about might work in the beginning but difficult to sustain in the long run. To maintain consistency, you must have a system to keep your content calendar filled with ideas that your audience cares about and would make them frequent visitors.

There are many reasons why people read blogs. These reasons include the following:

The key to better brainstorming sessions is to figure out what your target audience wants and engage with them consistently to uncover the things they want to learn.

If jewelry blogging is uncharted territory for you, fret not! Oil up with these interesting jewelry blog ideas to jumpstart your business blog.

5 Interesting Jewelry Blog Ideas to Engage Your Target Audience

1. Write about your best-selling piece of jewelry

write about your best selling piece of jewelry

Writing about your best-selling piece of jewelry or design could help increase conversion on that particular item. This is because whenever customers struggle with indecision, they turn to “best sellers” to help them make a decision.

The psychological theory called Social Proof validates the existence of such influence. According to Dr Robert Cialdini, Social Proof describes the tendency of people to rely on others’ opinions, behaviors, or actions to inform their own because those who are uncertain or indecisive assume that others have more knowledge about the right path to take. When done right, this can boost the marketing effectiveness of your blog.

Make your blog post more interesting by telling the inspiration behind its design and the metals and/or gems you chose. Further, add more value to your content by suggesting how that particular piece could be worn, especially if you think it could be worn in many different ways. You could also offer recommendations as to which outfit works well with it, especially if it’s a necklace where pairing it with the right neckline could bring the outfit to a whole new level.

When you’re all set textually, don’t forget to include photos and/or videos of the best-selling piece because your readers are visual people. They want to know what the jewelry piece is like so they can visualize themselves wearing it.

2. Take your audience behind the scenes

Take your audience behind the scenes

Aside from boosting your brand and adding a human element to it, the audience also receives behind-the-scenes content favorably; thereby, making it one of the most effective and creative jewelry blog ideas to consider.

Behind-the-scenes content comes in many different forms such as but not limited to the following:

In this case, you can choose any content using the behind-the-scenes technique but if you’re a new jewelry business blogger, it’s best to start by showing your workspace. Take plenty of photos of your cozy workspace and talk about how it inspires you. You can also talk about your favorite tool in that workspace and how you organize your materials. If you’re not too shy, be generous and add a photo of yourself or your team in the middle of the action.

Behind-the-scenes blog content is special because it humanizes your brand and creates a more intimate connection between you and your audience.

3. Use the art of trendspotting

jewelry trendspotting

Are your jewelry products on-trend?

Show to your target audience that your jewelry collections are cool and trendy by writing about the latest jewelry trends. This jewelry blog idea might be a lot of work for you because it involves time-consuming research on your end. However, the quality of your research will add credibility to your jewelry blog, so take the plunge and do it.

Once you’re done trend hunting, look at your inventory and feature those jewelry pieces that meet the trends. For example, Pantone’s color of the year is classic blue, so if you have jewelry pieces with lapis lazuli or kyanite, now is the perfect time to talk about them in your blog.  

Don’t restrict yourself to colors. Think about the incoming seasons like autumn and spring. If you have autumn-inspired designs and floral patterns, take them out of your jewelry box and flaunt them. Not only will this topic make your jewelry pieces relevant, but it will also boost your search engine traffic.

4. Share what’s new and exciting about your brand

jewelry blog ideas to engage your audience

Keep your target audience informed of all brand and product updates by writing about the latest happenings in your business.

Your latest happenings can be many things. It can be about a new jewelry collection you’re working on, upcoming events you plan to attend, new discounts and coupons, a modified loyalty program, or new materials you currently have your hands on but have never tried before – the list could go on!

The key here is to share something new and exciting to your target audience regularly, so you always have fresh content to keep your existing audience in the know and to attract and engage new ones.

5. Educate your audience on proper jewelry care and cleaning

jewelry blog ideas - educate your audience on proper jewelry care and cleaning

Jewelry is one of the most valued accessories of your new and existing customers; hence, proper jewelry care and cleaning are of paramount importance.  After all, care and cleaning help maintain its beauty and sparkle. Needless to say, bad DIY cleaning methods can damage the jewelry they bought from you, so you must educate them like the real jewelry professional that you are.

What better way to educate them than by providing clear instructions and useful tips in your blog?

Put on your expert hat and write about proper care and cleaning instructions including what’s not to use and what cleaning products to avoid. Additionally, you can also provide safe storage instructions and cool jewelry storage hacks when traveling. For example, let them know that pearls need moisture so it should not be stored in a dry area as it might peel or crack. Further, advise them to use padding in boxes to avoid scratches when traveling.

Content like this adds value to your brand because it communicates to your customers that your service to them does not end at payment

What other jewelry blog ideas can you think of?

Are you feeling confident now to publish your first jewelry blog post?

There’s no secret formula to business blogging. The magic here lies in consistency – show up and write and then, repeat that formula again and again. Business blogging is a long-term marketing investment, so don’t feel discouraged if the result you want looks elusive at first. For now, just keep brainstorming ideas and keep writing!

Do you have other jewelry blog ideas in mind? Feel free to share in the comment section below!

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