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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

eCommerce: Should You List Product Prices On Your Website? August 05, 2020 (0 comments)



Jewelers should always list prices on their website.

There is a definite sales mentality among older business professionals - not just jewelers - that you don't want to list product prices because it will force the consumer to come into your store to ask about pricing, which allows you to try to close the sale.

However, the entire way consumers buy goods has changed. Quite frankly, consumers today walk around with a supercomputer in their pockets and have so much information right at their fingertips. If you make it harder for your customer to find the information they want, they're simply not going to waste their time with you.

Listing prices on your website also creates instant trust with your customer. If I go to a website and they don't list prices, I immediately feel like Im being scammed in some way.

List your jewelry prices online. If you're not already doing this, you may be surprised at how much it helps your business.

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