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How To Use Instagram And Facebook Shops August 07, 2020 (0 comments)


An online storefront

Facebook and Instagram have turned their focus to local businesses and are studying how to make them attractive and seen within the apps that are not only free from ads but that can enhance the business/subscriber experience. In comes the Shops feature, which basically shortcuts the route between tapping an image of your product and checkout.    

Set up shop

Your physical product needs to be registered on Facebook. 

If you already have an ecommerce store like Shopify or BigCommerce, you only need to import it to a Facebook catalog and later connect that catalog to your Instagram business. Once your catalog is accepted and on display on Instagram, add the shopping link to the publications on your feed and you will automatically see the shopping bag icon on your page. 

You can also do it without a website at all and promote exclusively on Instagram and Facebook. For this, you will only use the Facebook catalog manager and add your products manually. 

If you are keeping it exclusive, the idea is to briefly, clearly, and creatively reflect the key characteristics of your brand on your feed. It is better to contact a photographer so that you look professional and curated. 

The tip here is, if you want to tick all boxes, have a business account on Instagram that will be linked to a Facebook business Page. A business account on Instagram will not only provide you with a “contact” button, but you will give you access to statistics about your business: the number of new subscribers, likes and reposts, audience reach, clicks on the link indicated in the profile, time of maximum activity of subscribers, and so on. 

As for the Facebook business Page, you automatically receive Facebook advertising tools: AdsManager and PowerEditor. With their help, you can create and shape advertising campaigns, attract an audience according to the desired attribute: gender, age, region, watch analytics, and reports.

Sink your brand in the heads of your followers

Having an online shop will reinforce your brand name, slogan, and identity. Your subscribers will visually recognize your company among others. Identity is a set of means by which your image will be solidified: color, form, style, motto, etc. It contributes to the memorization and the emergence of associative relationships among consumers. They will recognize you, and familiarity is the key to business.   

This tool is incredible because your online shop is 100% customizable and it can be integrated with Facebook Messenger, Instagram DM, and WhatsApp. You can also track deliveries and boost your website.

If you are in the jewelry-industry and sell eye-catching and trendy products, then Instagram and Facebook Shops are the main promotion tool for you. The reason is simple: with proper account management, users will want to see your product in their stream not only for shopping but also for aesthetic reasons. Promoting an online store on Instagram requires minimal investment, and growth is potentially unlimited.

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