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6 Ways To Empower Your Salespeople (And Create Loyal Customers) June 05, 2019 (0 comments)

Lisa Nik new piece When's the last time you've taken a look at your loyal customers' list?  More importantly, do you even have a list of your most loyal customers?
 We all know that it's more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain a current customer. But in today's day and age, that's easier said than done. A recent study on grocery stores found that customers are no longer loyal to one store. They are shopping at up to 6 different grocery stores! Another study on jewelry stores found that during the 2017 holiday season (November and December), the number of customers who shopped was only 6% when compared to the number of customers in a given database. Even worse, 75% of those customers bought only ONCE at the holidays during the past 5 years. Pretty alarming all around. We are already in the middle of holiday shopping but it's not too late to get your loyal customers to come back around. It starts with your sales associates.

How To Empower Your Sales Team

  1. Create individual goals with each of your sales associates.
Meet with your sales staff one-on-one and set unique goals per associate. Look at their strengths and weaknesses when creating the goals and be sure to follow up with them weekly to see how they are doing. The goals can range from call lists, in-store sales, upsells, etc.
  1. Create group goals to encourage teamwork (makes the dreamwork).
You want to remind your sales associates of the big picture, which is making sure that your customers have the best experience in your store. The last thing you want to do is have sales associates that only care about their personal customers. Come up with team goals so that all the sales reps help each other.
  1. Encourage your salespeople to create call lists.
When's the last time your sales associates have called on past customers to offer them a special service or discount? Each sales associate should have their own personal call list (this should be part of their individual goals) that they work on daily. Just make sure there's a purpose to the call. Maybe it's a call to inform of an out-of-stock item that's back in stock, or of a killer deal. Give the customer a reason to come into the store.
  1. Come up with incentives if goals are reached.
Most salespeople are pretty competitive and that can work both ways. Come up with individual AND group incentives to pump up your team. Just like goals can be unique per sales associate, the incentives should be too. One sales associate might want a monetary bonus, while another sales associate might want an extra day off. Make it work for the individual! Remember that a happy employee means a happy customer.
  1. Hold private events for loyal clients.
Take care of your loyal customers. Hold exclusive gatherings to show your thanks for your loyal customers. Whether it's a few hours where the store is only open to them or special sales just for them, make them feel special.
  1. Prep your team with the best tools for clienteling.
Client management is no joke. It's hard to ask your sales team to create call lists if you don't have a database. Set your team up for success with the best client tools. The best tools will provide the capability of keeping individual customer notes, contact info, and even have a way to communicate with customers while keeping track of everything. Go Get Your Loyal Customers Empower your sales associates to get their loyal customers back in the store! Break the trend of disloyal customers.

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