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eCommerce Marketing Strategies for 2020: How to Get Ahead of the Game November 27, 2019 (0 comments)

1-4.jpg Effective eCommerce marketing tactics and methodologies have changed dramatically in the past five years, and the evolution shows no signs of letting up any time soon. For instance, just a few years ago, artificial intelligence and machine learning were still in their infancy (and in many ways still are). However, today’s marketers are now grappling with figuring out when to hand over the reins to SEM automation. As 2020 rapidly approaches, eCommerce marketing trends and strategies that will likely dominate the year’s proceedings are beginning to come into focus. Those who are unaware of how 2019’s trajectory will impact the coming year are in for a rude awakening as competing merchants latch on to what will be the most prominent actions and programs for retailers to employ in 2020. Don’t be one of those sellers who walks blindly into what the new year has to offer in terms of eCommerce marketing. Here are the top eCommerce marketing strategies for retailers to employ in 2020.

All Things Amazon Is an eCommerce Marketing Must

Like it or not, Amazon is potentially the single most powerful force in retail today. What’s more, even with the company’s massive user base, Amazon is still growing. As it currently stands, online shoppers rely heavily on Amazon, as Business Insider reports that: “When…consumers begin a search for a new product, 66 percent start on Amazon, and if they have a specific product in mind that they want to buy, the portion going to Amazon grows to 74 percent… When respondents check prices before making a purchase, 82 percent use Amazon, and 79 percent use the e-tailer to check reviews before buying.” Also, let’s not forget that Amazon controls nearly 50 percent of the eCommerce market. As far as 2020 eCommerce marketing efforts are concerned, retailers have little choice but to have a robust presence within the Amazon marketplace if they want to succeed. Those who underestimate the immense importance of this platform are exceedingly likely to fall behind. Therefore, retailers must learn to leverage the full potential that Amazon offers by implementing a strong Amazon SEO strategy, utilizing the company’s PPC advertising tools and employing all other Amazon elements that can help merchants to drive discoverability and conversions. For instance, Amazon’s Enhanced Brand Content feature helps retailers make the most out of product listings by enabling high-quality, customizable visual elements to be added to specific ASINs to help them stand out from similar offerings. By utilizing such a product page component, sellers can elevate their marketing efforts at no additional cost.

Using this add-on feature, sellers can deploy supplemental product information tied to stunning graphic elements to help distinguish an item. Meanwhile, where Enhanced Brand Content aids merchants in differentiating product offerings from the pack, deploying an Amazon Store allows retailers to accomplish the same goal on a brand level. Amazon Stores effectively act as microsites for Amazon sellers, enabling them to employ stunning templates that provide deeply engaging customer experiences by highlighting branded content and products within an arresting format. This feature aids eCommerce marketing efforts by giving retailers a more professional and lauded appearance on Amazon, thereby separating them from the competition. Moreover, Amazon stores can be leveraged to run ads through other popular sales portals like Facebook and Instagram while feeding tracking data back to a seller’s Amazon advertising account. However, to make the most of this feature, it is vital to understand common but simple mistakes that diminish Amazon advertising revenue.

Mobile Matters More Than Ever For E-Commerce

The rise of mobile is something that many marketing agencies have been talking about for years. Moreover, as the eCommerce industry continues to grow, so does the rate of mobile transactions. According to Statista’s analysis of mobile eCommerce sales, by 2021, “53.9 percent of all retail e-commerce” is expected to be driven by mobile devices. Therefore, eCommerce marketing strategies must continue to increasingly revolve around small screen machines.

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