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Landing Pages are an Essential Strategy for Retail Jewelers to Build Sales November 20, 2019 (0 comments)

Screenshot-2019-11-20-11.57.51.png Every Ad Campaign should bring visitors to a specific page on a website carefully designed to maximize sales. When a visitor clicks on an ad campaign it should take them to a page designed to encourage a jewelry purchase. That is what a “landing page” is all about. A well designed landing page will grow sales. Creating quality ads is only half of the battle. In order to ensure your ad’s quality score is high and actually turn into sals, a honest evaluation is critical. Avoid sending users directly to a product page or your home page, as this may lose the customer's interest causing the to quickly exit the website, which lowers quality score. Landing pages should be meticulously designed to convert and be relevant to the advertisement.

Product Pages vs Landing Pages

Contrary to popular belief, a product page is not a landing page. There has been some remarkable data coming out in the past couple of years comparing typical PDP (product details page) against campaign-specific landing pages. In conclusion, it is better to bring a visitor to an ad campaign-specific landing page instead of a standard product page. Experts theorize that visitors landing on PDPs may not see the information that higher-level pages including homepages provide about the brand. This will make it difficult for visitors to quickly ascertain if the brand is a good fit and worth further exploring. Essentially, bringing people directly to a product page bypasses the brand-building phase. Bringing a visitor directly to your product page tells them very little about your brand. It bypasses your chance to create an emotional connection and encourage the visitor to fall in love with the store brand, The best strategy is to carefully design landing pages. Because businesses are learning how to rely on data, more and more marketers are bringing web traffic to campaign-specific landing pages over PDP pages. Landing pages are clearly generating more leads and higher ROI.

How Can Jewelers Use Landing Pages?

Convert More Web Visitors Into Online Customers Better landing pages will equate to more sales. Instead of running ads that bring customers to boring product pages, create a better experience for your potential customer. Use the page to teach your visitor about your brand as much as the product that got them to click. Capture Leads For Appointments  Every retailer should have a landing page designed to accept web traffic looking to make an appointment at your store. Generate Interest and Capture Leads For In-Store Events Running a trunk show? There are two great ways to promote it. First is by creating a Facebook event. The other is by creating landing pages designed to generate interest and sign-ups. The benefit of using a landing page is capturing their email address. This is digital currency – for future marketing. Accept Traffic For A Special Offer It is critical for a sales special to have a dedicated landing page. When customers read an ad about a discounted gold ring they desire, they click to learn more about that specific ring. The ad has captured the intent of the customer, it is then the job of the landing page to finish the sale or get them to visit a jewelry store. Therefore, it is important to have a full page dedicated to specific product or sale and the action you desire them to take. The most effective landing page will have testimonials and a convenient way for someone to schedule an appointment. The extra effort of making a landing page will get more people deciding to take advantage of the offer and make a purchase. Want to learn more about landing pages? Download our 2019 Jewelry Store Marketing Guide! If you’re looking for expert guidance, you may want to consider partnering with a digital marketing team who specializes in the jewelry industry, like GemFind. Contact us today to get started.

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