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Email Segmentation For Jewelers: Increased Email Marketing Performance March 19, 2019 (0 comments)

1-6.jpg Email segmentation can significantly boost the conversion rates of our email marketing campaigns and newsletters. Jewelers have a few fantastic ways to leverage this strategy well.
Email newsletters are usually a key element behind most marketing campaigns. It’s often easy to skip the details, and many companies likely don’t segment their email marketing lists to maximize their results. Let’s review what Email Segments are and learn how to use this knowledge to our advantage.

What is Email Segmentation?

All “email segmentation” means is having your email list divided among different, more specific groups. You can categorize your lists by location, product history, and more. This enables us to send out much more specific, personalized emails that are targeted only at the right people.

Why is Segmentation Important?

Sending targeted emails is a proven way to increase engagement and drive results for your business. The very definition of spam is receiving unsolicited messages. What convinces someone to unsubscribe from your newsletter - and maybe even flag you for spam - is receiving emails they simply weren’t interested in. If your contacts continually receive irrelevant content from you, they’re going to lose interest and get annoyed. Segmentation helps you to send the right information to the right contacts. Are you more likely to open an email specific to your interests? Of course. Email segmentation, therefore, is a logical extra step to take with your email planning. It’s been proven to increase click-through rates, improve conversion, and increase revenue.

5 Great Email Segmentation Methods For Jewelers

According to Mailchimp, segmented campaigns get 14.64% more opens and 59.99% more clicks than non-segmented campaigns. Here are a few ways jewelers can use this simple strategy.

1. Demographics

One of the most popular ways to segment emails is by things like age, company, gender, etc. The more information you can collect throughout your site - whether through email sign up forms or past orders - the better you’ll be able to target your email marketing. Just don’t get pushy, as answering lots of questions may turn some people off.

2. Email Engagement

Email Engagement is another very basic way to segment your lists, but it can have a huge impact on your overall results. For example, you may send a targeted campaign at people who haven’t opened a newsletter from you in 3 months, designed to re-engage them. Likewise, you can send targeted campaigns at people who have opened your recent campaigns, and categorize those users in an “interested” list. Then, you can follow up with a new offer for those interested contacts to push them closer to buying.

3. Geographic Area

Geographic area is a sensible option as well. National jewelry brands, for example, can send out specific campaigns to different cities based on buying habits in each area.

4. Past Purchases

Segmenting by past purchases is one of the best options. If you know what types of items your customers have purchased, you should certainly be sending them follow-up content and product suggestions based on that. You can send pieces of jewelry, for example, that compliment a piece they recently bought. Take it a step further - include a picture of what someone looks like wearing both pieces together!

5. Amount Spent

If your store sells products from many different price points, it’s smart to send marketing materials to people based on if they would actually ever buy it. Price is a big indicator of this. Sending lavish pieces to customers who usually stick to the basics may turn them off. Similarly, clients who regularly buy expensive pieces may not wear something inexpensive.

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By dajib 12 on May 4th, 2019 at 10:30am

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