Jewelry ECOMM Tech
Facebook Pixel Events: Crash Course For Jewelers September 03, 2019 (0 comments)

What's The Facebook Pixel?
Having the Facebook Pixel installed on your website is mandatory for any business serious about running, tracking, and optimizing their Facebook ads efficiently as possible. The Facebook pixel is a unique piece of code that gets generated for you by Facebook. You place this piece of code throughout your website, which allows Facebook to track the browsing habits of your website visitors. The pixel gives you access to all of the following, and more:- Retargeting with Website Custom Audiences
- Attribute conversions to your advertising
- Optimize advertising for Landing Page Views
- Optimize advertising for conversions
- Track marketing performance with Facebook Attribution
- Track customer funnel with Facebook Analytics
What Are Pixel Events?
Using the Facebook Pixel in the above “standard” ways is great - it really lets you do some great things with your online advertising. However, using pixel “events” will open up even more possibilities. A Facebook “pixel event” is essentially a trigger that sends a signal to Facebook. For example, one “pixel event” can be used to collect data that the visitor made a purchase or signed up for something. Standard pixel events include:- View Content
- Search
- Add to Wishlist
- Add to Cart
- Initiate Checkout
- Add Payment Info
- Purchase
- Subscribe
- Start Trial
- Complete Registration
- Contact
- Find Location
- Schedule