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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Landing Pages For Jewelers Part 3: Message Match April 09, 2018 (0 comments)

twenty20_6bd71478-88f1-4aff-8388-c11303792dfb.jpg In the previous two parts to this series, we reviewed the importance of landing pages and what goes into a successful landing page. Now we're going to make sure the right people are in the right place by using the correct message.

Message Match

A surefire way to make sure your online marketing doesn't work is to use the wrong wording in your ads, and/or to bring the wrong visitors to the wrong pages. Let's pretend I wanted to order flowers for Mothers Day. But, my mom has a particular thing for orchids. To test this theory live, I just Googled "orchid flower delivery". Let's examine the results. Teleflora - One of the top results was from Teleflora. Their ad said nothing about Orchids, which is specifically what I searched for. This is a wrong MESSAGE MATCH. The message of their ad does not match my search query. Heres what it looks like: Not surprisingly, clicking the ad brought me to a page that showed nothing about Orchids.  Here: A wrong message match means that less customers will find what they want quickly, which will certainly make them abandon the site and choosing a competitor. In fact, this company Long Island Flower Delivery was the TOP result in the search and had GREAT message match in their ad: Clicking the ad brings me to a perfect product, and nothing else: It is extremely important that your ad message clearly matches the search query that your searchers are using to find you. And, that clicking the ad brings them to a page that is as relevant to them as possible.

Image Match

Theres a company I follow, Impossible Burger, that I think does a really great job with pretty much everything they do online. Clearly, they're a vegan burger company and not a jeweler. But we can learn a lot from other industries doing it right. Impossible has run some very clever online campaigns to drive traffic. I think they do a really great job using keeping a consistent brand image across everything they do. This is pretty much the crux of what Image Match is. We want to carry the message match, but we also want to use the same imagery. When someone online sees one of your ads, and then sees the same images, colors, and message on the landing page they're brought to, they immediately know they're in the right spot. Take a look at how Impossible Burger does this. The below Facebook ads bring the visitor to the landing page on the second graphic below. They use the same fonts, graphics, and colors on the website's landing page as they do in the ad itself. Making your landing pages mimic the look and message of your ads will net you more visitors that end up making it through to the checkout process.

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