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Jewelry ECOMM Tech

Why Blogging Is Still Vital For A Jeweler’s Overall Business Success August 08, 2019 (0 comments)

Screenshot-2019-08-08-09.29.15.png There are still many businesses who don’t understand the power of a good blog post. Great content - articles, videos, and more - will ALWAYS get higher click through rates than an ad. Think about it… do you like watching your TV shows, or the commercials? The show, of course.  This is my approach to digital marketing as a whole. I always want to position my clients as a valued expert that their customers will love reading about,  rather than an intrusive, spammy company. Looking at the two biggest marketing options available to us - Google and Social Media - it’s clear to see why blogging is so important. Not only does it position your brand in a non-spammy way, but the very way that social media and Google work literally rely on good blog posts. In the next few weeks, I’ll be releasing a series of articles to teach you how to use blogging as a winning tool for your business. I have a homework assignment for you until the next article: write a 300 word article about why/how you became a jeweler. 300 words is the recommended minimum blog post length for Google to take your article seriously, so try to hit that mark. This should be a fairly easy topic to write about and would make a good piece of content for you, so give it a shot! Be on the lookout for more upcoming blog/SEO advice articles!

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