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Free Toolkit Helps Retailers Sell Sustainability November 30, 2021 (0 comments)


New York, NY—It’s no secret that sustainability matters to today’s consumers. Various research projects have found that anywhere from half to three-quarters of consumers would be willing to pay more for a sustainably-sourced item vs. one that isn’t guaranteed to be sourced sustainably. That number rises among younger consumers, who represent the future of the jewelry industry.

For instance, the Plumb Club—which already requires its members to become certified members of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), the global organization dedicated to sustainable and ethical sourcing within the jewelry supply chain—earlier this year spearheaded a consumer survey that found 72% of respondents would be willing to pay more for a piece of jewelry that was sustainably sourced.

But it can be challenging for a small retailer to know how to begin a sustainability strategy or handle sustainability queries, especially if their vendors don’t provide the necessary information. They also must be able to train store associates to answer those queries.

To that end, the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) has developed a free toolkit guide to support retailers in establishing responsible business sourcing practices and product disclosure. The RJC toolkit breaks down industry jargon, supports retailers in building a sustainable supply chain, and provides information on how to talk to customers about the steps you’re taking to put people and planet first.

The RJC is available to talk with retailers and help them on their sustainability journey, even if the retailer is not a certified RJC member. Retailers are, of course, welcomed and encouraged to become certified, but it’s not required to access the toolkit. Visit the RJC Retailer Sustainability page to download the tool kit here: RJC Retailer Toolkit or visit the Responsible Jewelry Council website.