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Get Ready for Valentine’s Day Bridal Traffic |  January 31, 2018 (0 comments)


Omaha, NE—February is the second strongest engagement month of the year, eclipsed only by December. While Valentine’s Day is one of the top selling events for most retail jewelers, the average sale tends to be lower than Christmas, as the other gifts men are contemplating are lower-priced flowers, chocolates, and so forth.

What can build your Valentine’s Day volume, however, is bridal. No one can deny the romance of getting engaged on Valentine’s Day! Here is how to maximize your bridal business for Valentine’s Day:

Marketing. Alternate whatever marketing vehicles you use between bridal and fashion jewelry, beginning in January and carry it through Valentine’s Day. Offer a “bridal bag,” complete with wedding band certificate, jewelry cleaner, coupons from local bridal vendors, and a free gift certificate to get the bride-to-be into your store. Offer a free wedding planning book or proposal stories book.

Display. Put various framed images of a man proposing to a woman in your bridal cases. Subtle romantic touches such as red silk rose petals strewn around are evocative--and different from the common heart-shaped theme items most retailers use. Expand your bridal cases: with imaginative display you won’t need additional product.

Merchandising. Assess your current bridal offerings: are your assortments compelling? Do you have the popular looks covered? Do you have enough matching women's wedding bands? Are you featuring enough of the alternative metal men's bands? Are you stocking platinum for the discerning client? Do you have enough petite bridal for entry price points?

If your bridal assortment is lacking, now is the time to bring in fresh, new product. Don’t delay! Your fast selling bridal should have been reordered and in your cases already; if it isn't, reorder it today with overnight shipping!

Training. Dedicate a staff training session, or a series of training sessions, to just selling bridal and diamonds. Even the most seasoned sales associate needs to brush up on these skills. The bridal client can be a him shopping alone, them shopping as a couple, or her shopping alone or with friends--or even him shopping with friends--and each requires a different approach.

People are buying engagement rings in February. The question is, "will they be buying it from you?" You have the potential to capitalize on this important segment. There is no better product group than bridal to build your average sale and increase your sales. Some of the best things about bridal are that you are cultivating a new client, they are both potential clients, and they are at the beginning of their buying cycle. There is no question that bridal is the foundation of a healthy, growing jewelry store. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to kick-start your bridal business.

The Edge Retail Academy provides customized strategies for retailers and vendors to increase profits, optimize growth, reduce debt, create profitable inventory solutions, build effective teams and enhance brand loyalty and profitability. The Academy is committed to helping jewelry businesses improve their bottom line while reducing uncertainty and stress. Edge Retail Academy software and their business advisors provide real world knowledge and advice on a “no-contract” basis. (877) 569-8657, ext. 1, or