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Jimmy DeGroot: Remember Your First Day in the Jewelry Store? March 14, 2024 (0 comments)


Green Bay, WI--I put on my best shirt and tie, hopped in my car and wondered “What will it be like working at Faye’s Fine Jewelry?”

When I got there, Joe Ziemba introduced every showcase to me and told me stories about all the gemstones and lines of jewelry. He showed me the shop where Bob and Kim were working on custom designs. It was all wonderful. I kept thinking how nice it will be to work in a store where people are happy and excited to walk through the door. I also thought that this would be a place that I could start a new career and life, and what a wonderful life it would be.

That was my first day. What was yours like? I’ll bet that no matter how different our stories may be, there’s still a thread of that excitement of being in a place where people are celebrating their biggest life moments … WITH US!  

As with all things from marriage, relationships and careers; if we don’t occasionally relive our first passions or enthusiasm, we can lose our luster. You’ll often hear in marriage counseling that to regain that initial sparkle, we need to DO things we did back when we had that sparkle. Hold hands, go on a date, give foot rubs, the things you did when all you wanted to do is be together. The act of physically doing these actions re-awakens those synapses in our brains, and thus the “feeling” follows the “action.”

If your first love at the jewelry store was selling a bridal set to a young couple, then get out on the floor and do it. If you’ve lost your luster for the jewelry business (and it happens to everyone from time to time), think back to your first day or your first love in the business and what intrigued you most. Re-live that in your mind and back that thought with a little action and see if it doesn't put a little spring in your step again.  

James (Jimmy) DeGroot is a professional jewelry sales and operations trainer from the jeweler’s side of the counter. Having been in management and the jewelry business for over 20 years, Jimmy offers weekly training to jewelers nationwide via the Train Retail website. Jimmy is an AGS titleholder and specializes in training relevant and timely methods for jewelry teams. He can do a full training on making Bridal Presentations the best they can be, among many other regular training options. Contact Jimmy at or call 920-492-1191.