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Sales Strategy

Laws For Sales Success October 26, 2016 (0 comments)


New York, NY--Everyone has ideas on how to create and keep sales successes going. In our ongoing research, we found a few interesting ideas in this article, “Ten Laws of Sales Success.” Len Foley, the author, notes:

Law #1: Keep your mouth shut and your ears open. Obviously, you want to introduce yourself but don't ramble on about your product or service. Foley says:

  1. Don't talk about yourself.
  2. Don't talk about your products.
  3. Don't talk about your services.
  4. And above all, don't recite your sales pitch!

Law #2: Sell with questions, not answers. Forget about trying to "sell" and focus instead on why your prospect wants to buy. Ask questions (lots and lots of them) with no hidden agenda or ulterior motives. Foley describes how, many years ago, he sold CDs at a music festival—but instead of “selling” the CD, he focused on getting earphones on every person who walked by his booth by introducing new music. Once people heard the music, they either liked it or they didn't but he made more money that week than any other CD hawkers at the festival:

Law #6: If you're asked a question, answer it briefly and then move on. Remember: This isn't about you; it's about whether you're right for them.

A few good reminders, whether you are a new seller or an old hand. Click here to read the full article and check out all 10 of Foley’s sales laws and see which ones work for you!