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Sales Strategy

New Connected Showcase Provides Unobtrusive Security And Saves Closing Time |  June 09, 2016 (0 comments)


Las Vegas, NV—Yesterday’s edition of The Centurion Newsletter featured new technololgies that will help to turn the sales process into a true experience. Today we bring one additional technology that debuted in the INTERVISION room of technology at the JCK Luxury show: the Connected Display Case, designed by Faubion Associates, Inc. with additional access controls by DGA Security, in conjunction with Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company.

This showcase is super smart. It knows when someone is trying to break into it. I was invited to pound on the Showcase a few times, and I did. Suddenly an iPad in front of me snapped and then showed me the picture at left.

Tom Prebesen, president of Faubion Associates, Inc. gave the tour. It includes a smash-resistant glass with an embedded vibration sensor. When the case is struck, the technology detects vibrations, providing digital security. Once the vibrations go above a certain level, notifications of incident type and time will be sent to staff, owners, and authorities. With the increasing number of smash and grab crimes, this Connected Display case could help apprehend and deter criminals.

In addition to the display case, Jewelers Mutual and Excelion Partners have developed sensors that can be placed inconspicuously in any area that would benefit from protection. The sensors act as digital security guards, detecting patterns in movement, light, weight, temperature, humidity and pressure, and initiating a desired response with video and audio capture. Jewelers can also use these sensors to monitor the number of items taken out of the display case at the same time or the required items needed to put in the safe at night. The Connected Display case and sensors keep confidence up and risk of loss down.

All of this combines to provide not only enhanced security for the jeweler, but a seamless shopping experience for the consumer. Since many shoppers already feel somewhat intimidated in a jewelry store, having a security guard at the entrance can add to the intimidation.

The connected showcase also helps out in other wasy, such as when disaster strikes.

“During a natural disaster, our connected showcase kept merchandise safe,” said Prebesen. “The area was looted, but high-value items were kept safe in the bottom of the showcase for a three-week period until they could be retrieved.” Check out the video below to see how this part of the showcase works. Click here or on the image to play.

The Connected Showcase also can help save time at the end of every day: for the jewelers who close up shop every day by moving most of their jewelry into one or many safes, an additional benefit from this sort of showcase is obvious: just click the button at night and the jewelry disappears into a safety zone. Voila!