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Sales Strategy

Perfect Your All-Important Elevator Pitch |  August 31, 2016 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—“What do you do?” “Tell me about your company.’

You’ve heard these questions over and over. And wherever your location when you’re asked—be it a cocktail party, PTA meeting, or the proverbial elevator—you still need a way to quickly and effectively communicate who you are and what you do.

And yes, today it’s still referred to as the elevator pitch. The idea is that you should be able, in the time it takes for an elevator to go from one floor to the next (i.e. less than 30 seconds), be able to convey what it is you do and what that means.

It’s important to have your answer on the tip of your tongue and to deliver it with confidence. And to answer any questions--and hopefully start a sale, or at least a relationship that can lead to a sale in the future.

Daniel H. Pink is a best-selling author of five provocative books, including three long-running New York Times : A Whole New Mind, Drive, and To Sell is Human. He feels that we are all selling, all the time. Watch this short video from Pink and learn his suggested – and interesting – updates to your elevator pitch. (The videos mentioned here are from To Sell is Human.)

Want to get in some more practice? Access this downloadable sheet from his Pitch page and practice until you get just the right tone for whatever situation you have coming up--whether it includes an elevator or not. 

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