Sales Strategy
Sales Trap: Are You An Over-Sharer? December 09, 2015 (0 comments)
Portsmouth, NH—One of the most critical aspects to achieving success as a luxury jewelry sales professional is your ability to build rapport with customers. Customers who feel comfortable around you and trust you as a friend are likely to buy more—and more expensive—jewelry from you.
But there’s a fine line between being approachable and over-sharing. Author and sales trainer Lori Richardson of Score More Sales says that while social media has made everyone aware of TMI (too much information), over-sharing is less about discussing inappropriate details and more about always being the one to top the story, even with your customers.
“Work to curb your urge of “one-upping” with that next story and instead ASK a question of the person who just shared to learn more,” she writes in her blog. “Focus on the other person, their interests, their aspirations, and how you can help them solve issues through your products and services.”