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Sales Strategy

The Science of Sales Success |  April 13, 2016 (0 comments)


Tampa, FL—Why it is that some jewelry consultants can effortlessly sell a $100,000 engagement ring while others struggle to sell a jump ring? Why can one consultant enjoy calling customers while others view as something worse than a telemarketer calling at dinnertime?

I was so intrigued by these questions that I launched a year-long scientific research project to uncover the behavioral DNA of fine jewelry superstars. Twenty-five top performing sales consultants from eleven notable jewelry organizations were given a validated behavioral assessment instrument to complete. The results were astounding!

What causes success in a job role? Job fit. This is the matching of one’s natural gifts, talents and passion with those required by the job role for success. My research uncovered the attributes in three measureable areas: twelve driving forces or motivators, twelve behavioral dimensions and twenty-five professional competencies or soft skills.

Here is why this information is so important. One selling superstar potentially has two to four times the economic impact of the average sales consultant.

In the next several upcoming articles I will be sharing the information uncovered by the research. Here is a teaser. The number one behavioral dimension was (drum roll) “competitiveness.” Top sales people hate to lose even more than they like to win. I will bet you money that the top sales consultant in your store is driven to be number one. It may be overt or it may be covert, but it’s there.

Free Research Whitepaper. Unlocking the Door to the Behavioral DNA of America’s Fine Jewelry Superstars, a research whitepaper, is set for release at the end of the month. Pre-order a free PDF copy and it will be automatically emailed to you on the release date. Go To:

Terry Sisco, founder and CEO of Exsellerate, Inc. has observed, studied, assessed and benchmarked the sales top performers throughout the fine jewelry industry for more than 40 years. From these insights he has authored and facilitated fun and engaging training programs that have impacted the performance of major bridal brands, industry giants such as Platinum Guild International and Blue Nile Global Call Centers, as well as national and regional chains and high-end independents.

He is a CPBA, CPVA, CPHD certified to assess and analyze behaviors and driving forces. He has recently completed a research study funded by Platinum Guild USA to determine the behavioral commonalities of the top 1% of fine jewelry sales performers throughout the United States. Contact Terry Sisco,, 813-787-7355,,

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