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Turn The Radio Ads Up, Reach Millennials August 03, 2016 (0 comments)


New York, NY—To paraphrase the late Mark Twain, reports of radio’s death as an advertising medium are greatly exaggerated, especially where Millennials are concerned.

It’s easy to believe those who say Millennials—the earbud generation—don’t listen to regular AM/FM radio, but this article on says that’s not true at all. Despite the rise of streaming, personalized music platforms like Pandora and Spotify, radio still reaches 97% of the adult U.S. population, including Millennials. In fact, streaming services have had far more impact on CD sales than on AM/FM radio, because consumers have a deep emotional connection to their favorite radio station, the station’s on-air personalities, and they value the deep involvement that radio stations have in their own communities. In any given week, radio reaches 92% of Millennials in the market, says the Mediapost article.

Click here to read the full article.

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