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What Are You Thankful For? |  May 06, 2020 (0 comments)


Carlsbad, CA—Look around. A lot of people are going through much deeper hardship than you. Many people are doing more than they ever thought they would have to do. 

Healthcare workers opted for that career, but they never signed up for what they're going through today. I am incredibly thankful for them.

Law enforcement gets a bad rap almost every day, but what would we do without them now to keep the peace and sanity in a world filled with fear and uncertainty? I am thankful for them.

Firefighters are unsung heroes day in and day out that we sometimes take for granted until we need them the most. They always show up. I am thankful for them.

People in essential services are braving the workplace and volunteers are helping to bring us necessary food and supplies and products, even dropped at our doorsteps. Most are glad they're working and busy, but they, too, are on the firing line. I am thankful for them.

Technology has become our lifeline to connect with family, friends, support groups, and co-workers. I'm thankful for technology companies whose services are vital in a pandemic world.

I could, and probably should go on, but you get my point. Despite whatever hardships we're going through--financially, with children at home all day, and otherwise--there is still a lot to be thankful for. We'll get through this together, but let's be thankful right now for what we have and for those who are helping us.

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