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Borsheims Turns To Fashion Week To Boost Sales To WomenJuly 20, 2016 (0 comments)
Omaha, NE--Fashion Week isn’t just for larger cities. Dallas, Detroit and Cleveland (among many others) join the better known domestic New York, Los Angeles and Chicago Fashion Weeks. And then there’s Omaha Fashion Week.
Not surprisingly, Omaha jewelry retailer Borsheims is a red carpet sponsor of Omaha Fashion Week. After all, few pairings are better than fashion and jewelry. The Centurion spoke with Adrienne Fay, Borsheim’s director of marketing and business sales, about the company’s involvement with Omaha Fashion week. (Left: on the runway at the 2015 Omaha Fashion Week. The 2016 event is scheduled for August 22-27.)
“We kick off our sponsorship for Omaha Fashion Week with our Red Carpet Ready event,” said Fay. This year, more than 100 people attended; they learned how to pose on the red carpet, had their hair and make-up done professionally and shopped for the jewelry to complete their red carpet ensembles. Professional models were on hand to give lessons on the best way to pose on the red carpet – and everyone posed while decked out in jewelry from Borsheims. The event, held July 18, got good press on the Omaha Fashion Week blog.
A young fashionista attends the 2016 Borsheims’ Red Carpet Ready event. She wears a dress she made herself and enjoyed the red carpet and Borsheims’ jewelry. Below, more guests.
Clearly it’s a community event, and one that’s a lot of fun for all involved. Of course, the benefits of Red Carpet Ready go beyond the one day.
“Our involvement in Omaha Fashion Week lays the framework for the upcoming holiday season,” says Fay. “On the red carpet and on the runway, attendees often see jewelry they might not look for in the store. Because of this late summer exposure, we see dividends pay forward into the Holiday season and beyond.”
Fay notes that summer can be a less busy time for jewelers, including Borsheims. “It’s nice to have an increase in store traffic. You can’t underestimate what our involvement does for the store. It gets everyone excited and brings some life to the sales floor. We see a lot of good in the event and our partnership with Omaha Fashion Week in terms of cultivating new customers.”
Borsheims targets the female self-purchaser for much of the jewelry showcased during Red Carpet Ready and Omaha Fashion Week. “For our female self purchasers, we love being able to show them how you can wear big, bold looks by dressing models in that style jewelry on the red carpet. We showcase our fashion jewelry that’s less of a core offering and more fashion forward and trend-focused – that our customers may not assume we have.”
Never completely dressed without jewelry: two shoppers eye some potential purchases at the Borsheims Red Carpet Ready event.
Borsheims’ female self purchase customers show a lot of interest in fashion week and in the surrounding events. There’s always a trunk show during Fashion Week; this year Borsheims is featuring Pesavento. Offering such fashion forward lines keep the female self-purchase customers returning long after fashion week and its surrounding events are over, says Fay.
“We pay attention to the female self purchaser around the year. We always keep an eye to that demographic, since even if she’s not purchasing for herself, she’s often driving jewelry purchases. We use events and direct mail and spotlight products that can be gifts or gifts to yourself.”
Borsheims keeps the Red Carpet connection going throughout and beyond Omaha Fashion Week. “Anyone that comes to the Omaha Fashion Week event comes on the Red Carpet and there’s always a photographer there,” says Fay. “Everyone loves sharing photos of themselves on the Red Carpet.”
On camera at the Red Carpet Ready event.