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New Facebook Tools To Help You Boost Your Productivity |  October 10, 2013 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Want a quick way to increase your Facebook productivity? The site has some excellent tools for business-page owners, but with all the changes the site regularly makes, it's easy to miss the latest developments. While Facebook can be incomprehensible to many business owners, some of the new tools they've recently introduced are quite useful. These tools, called Insights, can help even the most social media phobic person understand how to better reach his/her audience.

Have you wondered why some of your posts do better than others? Or noticed that some seemed to do better than others, especially when it had a photo or a link? Or wondered WHEN was the best time to post to hit your audience? Some of those mysteries are now solved, courtesy of the Insights page. Use these quick guides to show you where to read some key stats for your business page. After you see what's there, you can tailor your posts accordingly. Here's how to find the Insights:

If you haven't seen it before, you likely have this banner at the top of your business page where the Admin panel generally is:

If you already hit "do this later," then look in the center of your Admin panel then beneath it for Insights. There may be a banner saying, "Check out the new Page insights."

The overview page, below, shows you some great stats, but the page that had the best data, all compiled in one spot, was the Posts tab, to the right of Overview.


All posts shows you what sort of reach your posts are getting. Helpful. But even more so is the center banner, "When Your Fans Are Online." That one tab may offer you the best way to reach your audience.


How? By telling you when your fans are online by both day of the week and time of day. You can post frequently during the most watched times. It's similar to media buying for radio or TV. You want your ads or your posts to be in front of your audience when they are watching a particular channel. Now, thanks to new Page Insights, it's easy to make that determination.