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CENTURION 2012 OFFERS JFC SILENT AUCTION January 18, 2012 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY--The jewelry industry’s charity, Jewelers for Children (JFC), has the full support of Centurion.  At the upcoming 2012 Show, Centurion will host a silent auction for JFC.

“JFC does great work and we are proud to be a supporter,” said Centurion president Howard Hauben. “Centurion participants have helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through their generosity over the past 10 years .”

“No donation is too small and the donation does not have to be jewelry – it can be anything,” says David Rocha of Jewelers for Children.  Some of last year’s donations included wine, Webpage services, watches and, of course, jewelry.  “Anyone wishing to donate may bring their donation to the Centurion Show or ship it to us in advance by January 25,” he concluded.

Anyone wishing to donate may click through here to the donation form.

Promotional materials will be prepared that include details on all items donated as of January 25.  After that time, additional items can be included in the silent auction, but may not make it into the promotional material. All contributions will be acknowledged by JFC in the 2012 JFC Facets of Hope Journal.

The 2012 Show begins Centurion’s Decade II with a move to Scottsdale, Arizona. Show dates are January 28 (arrival day) through January 31, 2012. For more information, please contact Howard Hauben at or (516) 377-5909. Visit Centurion online at

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