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FACEBOOK VS. PINTEREST: NUMBERS OR BUYERS? October 31, 2012 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Facebook may have the numbers, but Pinterest has the buyers. So says a new article in Small Business According to the article, a new survey on social media by Bizrate Insight shows that 69% of consumers who visit Pinterest have found an item there they either wanted to buy or ultimately did buy. This compares with only 40% of Facebook users. Pinterest also tracked very high for providing inspiration to purchase (70% of respondents), and tracking trends and items of interest.

Facebook still has the greater reach. 63% of online consumers have a Facebook account, says Bizrate’s study, compared to 15% who have a Pinterest account. Awareness of Pinterest is growing, though. It gained 10% awareness just from March through August 2012, from 36% of online shoppers to 46% expressing awareness of the site. Additionally, Pinterest users are more likely to be intensely engaged with the site—“creators,” vs. just “participators,” says the survey.

For easy, step-by-step help in getting started on Pinterest, see Small Business Trends’ “Pinterest Starter Guide.”

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