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Gembridge Accepted As Commercial Member Of CIBJO February 08, 2021 (0 comments)

Singapore—Digital colored gemstone trading platform Gembridge has been accepted as a commercial member of CIBJO. The Singapore-based company is helping pioneer the digital transformation of the certified colored gemstone, pearls, and jewelry trade by providing a regulated marketplace for verified members to buy, sell, and consign, via a secure and insured door-to-door service.
“Gembridge is proud to have been accepted as a member and looks forward to playing an active role within CIBJO moving forward,” says Gembridge chairman Tony Brooke. “E-commerce is rapidly becoming a dominant medium in the business, and Gembridge aims to support CIBJO member organizations in helping their members transform into world-class e-commerce players.”
“We are delighted to welcome Gembridge into CIBJO as a commercial member,” adds CIBJO president Gaetano Cavalieri. “The growing reliance on e-commerce will require that the industry adopts harmonized standards and practices that enable transactions to be executed long distance. We believe that members with their expertise can play an invaluable role in this process.”
Gembridge is now inviting members of the trade to register. Once the verification process is completed, members will be able to view all prices, buy from Gembridge’s Showcase, and have their own exclusive Shopfront to sell inventory. To register of find out more, visit or contact Anthony Brooke, (+66 81) 854-1755,; or Nick Marrett, (+65 9) 270 3875,