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Head-On #20: Read Reviews To Find The Essence Of Great Service |  June 29, 2017 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY--Often have you heard a store say that it is known for its service, but when it comes right down to it there is not a great deal of specificity about how the store really sees great service.

The customer who may be impressed by great service may never decide to go to that store, because they believe that service is granular and that just stating you offer great service with no details is not enough to impress them.

I'm reading an impressive Google review for a jewelry store right now as I write this. One customer talks about how he was given a Veterans' discount and how he saw that as "above and beyond" what might be expected. Allowing the customer to text your salesperson whenever necessary is another example. Nice touches like a glass of champagne for a couple shopping for a ring help a lot. At the end of the day, truly great service is totally granular and incredibly creative.

So my suggestion for this week is simple but opens up a world of work and analysis, especially if you believe you need to do a better job envisioning ​your service offerings. Take the time to visit tons of Yelp and Google Reviews or jewelers (and other kinds of businesses) you admire all over the United States and elsewhere, and "read them" carefully for those little things that make customers happy enough to write a glowing review. You may not want to copy what they do but it will surely get your juices flowing and help you create more and more unique and impressive service ideas. And this project can be worked on by one and all in the store to inspire lots of ideas.

​Your goal, of course, is to have lots of great Google and Yelp reviews, like the other stores you admire. In a world where consumers are impressed by number of reviews and overall ratings and the specifics they have time to read, this process will be yet another step in the bricks-and-clicks success you are building for your business.

Good luck and look forward to seeing you next week!

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