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New York, NY—Planning to launch a new social media campaign on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube? Don’t kick it off on a Friday, says this report from

According to a three-month study by YesMail Interactive, which studied 20 major retail brands including Ralph Lauren and J. Crew, marketing campaigns that bow on a Tuesday get the most interactive results. Saturday and Sunday also show high engagement levels. But retailers also have to know their demographic—just because one study or one blog says don’t do it, if it works for your customer base, go ahead.

Another surprising finding from the study is that when it comes to social media, less can be more. Counter-intuitively, the brands in the study that ran fewer but better coordinated campaigns had much better engagement than those running more campaigns but that weren’t tied together across multiple channels. The top five most engaging brands in the study ran about half as many campaigns as the bottom five, but used a variety of channels (Facebook Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc.) to draw attention to them.

Finally, a surprising finding of the study is that “less is more” especially applies to YouTube campaigns. It was the only social media site in the study that showed steadily increasing use by brands, matched by steadily decreasing engagement by consumers. The lesson? Invest time and effort to produce a quality video with real appeal. That can be highly worthwhile, but don’t just throw up any old thing and hope it will go viral. VentureBeat suggests celebrity guests or incentives and prizes to engage users, or clever, unusual titles that require users to click on the video to understand.

Separately, some leading luxury brands have seriously amped up their social marketing efforts in the second quarter of this year, according to this report on Luxury Daily.

The website recently listed its top 10 picks for the luxury brands whose social media efforts stood out and encouraged interaction with consumers in the second quarter (April through June 2012.) The brands—including retailers, apparel, hotels, and more—used a variety of techniques to engage consumers, many of which can be adapted by a luxury jeweler in his or her home market.

Consumers don’t want a brand talking “at” them, says Luxury Daily. These brands used all forms of social media—Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube—to engage their followers in creative ways, says the site. Here is their list in alphabetical order, with The Centurion’s suggestions for adaptation in italics:

Read full details and see examples of each brand’s campaign here.

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