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Local Artist Crafts Matchstick Model to Honor 160-Year Legacy of Alexandria Jewelry Store September 05, 2024 (0 comments)


Alexandria, LA--Floyd Johnson, a local resident, crafted a detailed model of Schnack's Fine Jewelry using matchsticks, paying tribute to the store's 160-year presence in the community. 

[Image via Schnack’s Fine Jewelry/Facebook]

A report in KALB stated that Johnson, driven by his motto, "Care for those who take care of you," presented the intricate model to store owners Bill and William Cartens as a gesture of appreciation.

The model features key architectural details of the store, including its clock tower, which deeply moved the Cartens.

Bill Cartens expressed his surprise and gratitude upon seeing the model, noting how overwhelmed he was by the attention to detail.

"When I first saw the model, I didn't know what it was. But as I got closer and saw the details, like the clock tower, I was overwhelmed," he said, as per the report. "It means a lot to us that someone would go to such effort to celebrate our family business."

Johnson highlighted the importance of community connections, saying, "Some people understand the value of life by taking care of others. Never burn your bridges, because you can't cross a burnt bridge.

"Always keep your connections strong," Johnson added.

William Cartens highlighted the reciprocal nature of community support. He noted that the model symbolizes the positive impact of their long-standing business.

 "Having someone do this for us makes you feel good," he noted in the report. "It shows that we're taking care of our community, and when they give back, it feels special."

Learn more in this report by KALB.

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