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Modern Day Selling: Serving While Selling Is A Critical, But Often Forgotten, Skill |  January 01, 2014 (0 comments)


In our last article, we discussed the power of self-examination. Hopefully, you found insight into taking control of your sales career and destiny. In this installment, we focus on the benefit of serving your customer as you are selling them.  

I always like to think of the customer as the heart of our business. Just as the body could not function without the heart, we must always remember that our customers are the main reason that we exist. With that in mind I have a very important question to ask you: Are you truly serving while selling your customers? Take a moment and think about this question before reading further.

Sometimes we lose sight of serving our customers. Through the struggles of life in business many sales associates can find themselves easily disillusioned. When this happens, they begin to focus on themselves and the benefits they will receive from selling their customers. Greed takes root and their focus turns to things like the amount of the sale and commission dollars. Without even realizing it, they no longer are valuing their precious customer. Just like many people forget to value their heart, we sometimes forget to value our customers. And like eating too many cheeseburgers can eventually catch up with you, so can forgetting to value your customers. In both cases, major consequences can follow, even leading to the eventual death of your sales career.

One of the most important treasures I discovered in my sales career is the benefits of serving my customers as I sold them. Once I began to value my customers and focus solely on meeting their needs, it created a large and loyal customer base that is constantly growing. Once your customer knows you have their best interest in mind, sales will become not only easy but also almost effortless. This is one of the secrets to becoming a million-dollar seller, year in and year out. Success will come when you conduct your business with integrity and honesty.  

What does it mean to serve your customer? It means creating an environment that lets your customer know they’re important and appreciated. The best way to serve your customer is to offer a service that benefits them, such as a free ring cleaning and inspection while they browse, or a cup of coffee or other beverage while they shop. This allows them the space they need to feel respected and shows your desire to serve. This often creates an obligation within the customer to give you their loyalty. Even if they don’t purchase that day, they will remember you and the services you offered.

The final skill I will share in this article is the power of a compliment. Customers—indeed, everybody—likes to feel good. What better way to make them feel good about themselves than to acknowledge their good taste, achievements, knowledge, and so forth? Building your customers up is a great way to serve while selling. It creates confidence that will erase any fears or doubts they may have originally had. Always remember that complimenting your customers always leads to confidence.

These are just a few skills to help you serve your customer better as you are selling. Add these skills to your arsenal of selling tools and you will find your customers more loyal to you.

In our next installment, we will continue with the secrets to maintaining your passion and energy level and avoiding burnout.

Modern Day Selling offers the freshest new insight in jewelry sales training designed to help sales associatse achieve greater success. As a yearly million-dollar-plus sales associate for the past eight years, Brian Barfield practices what he preaches on finding success based on the core principles of trust, honest and integrity. He is a two time published author whose insight is being recognized around the world. For more information or in-store training, visit his website or email



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