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Want To Ensure That Time Spent Posting on Facebook is Time Well Spent? January 01, 2014 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—Have you ever wondered if the time you’re spending on Facebook is worth it? 

You get the importance of social media, you know your target customers are active social media users, and you’re posting diligently, but you’re not getting the kind of engagement you expected. And, with all the constant changes in Facebook policy, you’re even starting to wonder if it is hiding your posts from your customers' newsfeeds. Sound familiar? 

If so, you’re not alone. These are familiar issues among small luxury brands. So is the need to get the right exposure without a big-brand budget, says an article on, an online business community featuring thousands of expert contributors. One such author, Dennis Yu of Blitzmetrics, a Facebook ads and analytics software company, wrote The Insider’s Guide To Facebook Traffic For Luxury Brands, which gives detailed instructions (with picture diagrams!) on how to amplify your content to be seen by potential customers.

Click here to read the article.

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