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New Research Shows 100+% Jump In Mobile Device Searches For Jewelry in 2015 January 27, 2016 (0 comments)


New York, NY—New research released by online retailer Karus Chains shows that online searches for jewelry via mobile devices increased by 100% globally in 2015—and in the United States, mobile jewelry searches rocketed 110% in the space of one year.

Using Google’s Keyword Planner tool and focusing on the top searches for silver and gold jewelry, Karus’s data is based on over five million individual searches, showing that in 2015 mobiles have become the most popular devices for undertaking online searches for jewelry.

The main findings are as follows:

This new data shows that searches for silver and gold jewelry are increasing at a rapid rate (upper chart) and most (and in some cases all) of the new searches are carried out on mobile devices (lower chart). 

The report notes that the increase in searches does not translate into a similar increase in purchases for silver and gold jewelry. By combining this new data with other research, Karus Chains concludes that the increase in searches for jewelry is the result of people undertaking more product research combined with the ubiquity of mobile devices.

Read the full report here.

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