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Retail Skills Every Sales Associate Should Have (And How To Develop Them) June 11, 2022 (0 comments)

Retail Store

New York, NY--Empathy and listening skills are just the beginning of the skills and qualities of a sales associate. If you are a retail store owner who wants a performance boost in their store, it is essential to ensure that your sales associate has some skills required to flourish in the industry as a salesperson.

[Image source: Flickr Commons]

A Vend blog post lists retail skills for sales associates, including empathy, active listening, patience, adaptability, communication skills, and more.

Some other skills, as per the list, include the ability to multitask, handle physical exertion, and resilience, almond others. Deep product knowledge and industry expertise also help sales associates.

The post also details individual steps required to nurture these skills.

Interested in exploring more? Check out the entire blog post for more on these skills and how to build them.

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