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Selected Business and Industry News From the Web July 20, 2010 (0 comments)

The past 25 years have wrought radical changes in the market for both ruby and sapphire, including political instability in mining locations and new sources and treatments. GIA’s Gems & Gemology explored this in depth last year; read the abridged version here.

Exhibitors: Would you like one solid tip that could make you money after a tradeshow and throughout the year? Check out this video from Ruth in the Booth, a trade show consultant.

Cherry Garcia and Chubby Hubby may be in your freezer, but they won’t be in your inbox anymore. Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream has announced it is discontinuing its email marketing campaign and using social media exclusively. It’s a departure from conventional wisdom that says email and social media are best used together. Read why here.

Just because you’re local doesn’t mean you can’t be global as well. Today, small businesses need to reach far beyond their own communities in order to succeed, writes Kent Bernhard Jr., on He profiles some who’ve done it well.

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