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Selling With The Right Attitude |  July 31, 2015 (0 comments)


St. Clair Shores, MI—It’s always interesting to talk to someone who has been selling jewelry for 40 years. This week, The Centurion spoke with Michael Agnello of Michael Agnello Jewelers here. He shared with us his favorite sales story, which turned out to be more than just a sales story, followed by his sales philosophy, which has served him well throughout his career.

“One of the best sales lessons I ever received was also a life lesson,” says Agnello. “I had just gotten started in the business. An older Italian gentleman came in; he was about 60, dressed in work clothes with cement on his hands. He approached me and told me exactly what he wanted. ‘I want a pear diamond,’ he said, standing in front of the engagement ring case.”

Agnello pulled out a little ring with a quarter carat pear-shaped diamond. “My customer was not impressed,” said Agnello. “He again said, ‘I want a diamond.'”

Agnello pulled out a ¾ carat diamond, still not impressing his customer. The man tipped his head down, looked discouraged and said, “You don’t got a diamond?”

“I thought, I’ll show him,” said Agnello. “I took out a two carat pear-shaped diamond.”

“How much?” said his customer.

“Three thousand six hundred dollars,” said Agnello (this was in the early 1970s).

His customer reached into his pocket and said, “That’s what I want, a diamond!” He pulled out cash to complete the sale.

“It was an awesome lesson for me, just starting in my career,” said Agnello. “I learned that you should act as if there is a giant sale in every customer interaction. Treat everyone alike. You don’t know who your customer will influence, who their parents are, who they know. Treat them all equally. You are there to serve them and show them you are happy they are in your store.”

Michael Agnello Jewelers' interior

While the ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ is a tried and true tale, it’s one worth remembering every so often and especially one to use when training new sales associates, which Agnello does today. Agnello lives this sales philosophy, one of serving the customer and ensuring they know you are happy to have them in your store. “After 40 years, my desk is up front where I see and greet customers when they come in and sometimes get down and play with the kids. I treat each one as if he/she can be my best customer.” Agnello and his sales associates flatter each customer by showing them the best, most expensive pieces they can. Those customers talk about it and some even start saving and come back later for purchase.

“You’ve got to be in sync with your customers,” says Agnello. “Don’t just remember their names, remember something about them. Ask about it when they come in again. Ours is a trust industry. Show them that trust and they will be connected to you.”

Agnello says his biggest quest is to get the customers inside his store. “Once we are here, we will sell you. Customers that come in come to buy; we’re a destination store. Sometimes a customer doesn’t know what they want to buy until you find the right piece for them. That’s your job, as a salesperson.”

Well said. 

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