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Stuller Inc. Announces Crossword Catalog Contest September 30, 2022 (0 comments)

Lafayette, LA--Stuller Inc. announced the Crossword Catalog Contest on Facebook, where participants stand a chance to win $1,000 as Stuller account credit.
[Image via Stuller Inc./Facebook]
Per the post, the content will be held between September 19 and 21.
Stuller requested participants to use the new Mountings 2023-2024 catalog to complete the puzzle and submit it online.
"Official contest rules are accepted through crossword submission and can be viewed on the contest webpage, the post noted.
Stuller highlighted that a contest winner would be announced on October 26, 2022, on the company's social media accounts.
The contest seeks to promote the jeweler's new catalog with "more than 960 pages" of new and best-selling options.
"Our latest mountings catalog is the perfect foundation for crafting your customers’ dream jewelry," the store added.
Check out the Facebook post.