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Tiny Jewel Box Introduces American Repousse Jewelry July 20, 2010 (0 comments)

Tiny Jewel Box, Washington, D.C., is the first retail jewelry store to introduce a new line called American Estate Jewelry. The line,designed by pre-eminent repousse silversmith Michael Galmer, initially consists of seven distinctive silver repousse cuff bracelets (prices begin at $550) with line extensions introduced each quarter.
Tiny Jewel Box recently added the Peony Brooch ($525) to its offerings, described by Washingtonian magazine online as “perfect as a gorgeous badge in the center of a simple sheath, a stylish buckle on a scarfed waist, or a signature adornment on a favorite black evening purse.”
The artist designs the floral image, creates a specialized mold for the 3-dimensionality and miniscule detail necessary, and then produces the jewelry with hand chasing and polishing of each individual piece. Small details emerge—such as tiny etched lines in petals and precise buds within the floral centers—as each piece ages.
American Estate Jewelry plans to expand gradually, adding new items inspired by an estate sensibility and crafted at a level of bygone standards. Carolyn O’Keefe, founder of American Estate, says they aren’t rushing to expand—contrary to popular industry practice—because the product won’t ever go out of style. Also, the production process is technically difficult and necessarily lengthy for these detailed pieces. Says O’Keefe, “That’s why you don’t see much repousse jewelry anymore.”
Each item will recall the pinnacle of American silversmithing, when lavish sterling flatware, tabletop pieces, and toiletry items were used every day. Designs were richly sculptural, romantically expressed, with unmistakable quality, bold designs drawn from nature, and, above all, real beauty. Jewelry buyers have longed for those qualities and sought estate pieces through auctions, antique stores and the Internet. This interest has sparked the creation of popular estate sections in independent jewelry stores nationwide over the past decade.
This new line of American-made jewelry draws from estate pieces a timeless appeal, while incorporating modern improvements. While antique estate pieces are rightly prized among collectors for their patina and origin, American Estate will offer improved wear, weight, fit, and styling.
American Estate Jewelry begins with the sterling silver cuff, the ultimate American classic. The bracelet is intended to be worn as a signature adornment, then passes on to the next generation, and the next, and so on. Some have termed the cuff “the forever bracelet” to express the modern and timeless appeal of the cuffs.
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