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Van Scoy Jewelers Re-Design Lauds Collaboration With ARTCOSeptember 01, 2020 (0 comments)
Wyomissing, PA--In a comprehensive collaboration between Van Scoy Jewelers and ARTCO Group, Van Scoy Jewelers has been re-designed in Wyomissing, PA.
"When we set out to work on a jewelry store project, our team of award-winning designers start with the premise of creating a memorable experience for the customer when they're shopping for a luxury item," says Mickey Minagorri, Artco Group principal. "As François-Henry Bennahmias, the CEO of Audemars Piguet so eloquently put it, 'When you talk about luxury, you want to be touched in the part of your brain where emotions are triggered. Emotions could be for a watch, a piece of art, shoes, a handbag; anything. Emotions are between people. The computer will not give you an emotion.'"
For Caroline Hill, owner of Van Scoy Jewelers, it was very important to find the right balance in the amount of open space, sight lines and engagement zones to effectively create the proper consumer experience. She's very pleased with the design. Scroll to the end of this article for images of the re-designed store.
Hill offers the background on the remodel:
In 2020, my lease was coming due. I had spent 20 years in a “lifestyle” shopping center that had some great anchor stores like Target, Dicks, Barnes & Noble. It had two sides, with the big anchors on one side and I was on the smaller side which initially had several small boutique-like businesses and we were anchored with a Panera Bread. Over the years the rent kept increasing and most of the small businesses did not survive.
The center evolved from a quaint shopping destination to basically a food court. I knew my survival would depend on finding a new location and started looking about 2 years before my lease would expire. Owning my own building was my goal.
Finally, I found the location that has now become our new home. I saw potential in it immediately. The location was right in the heart of 80% of my client base, along an avenue filled with local small businesses.
The building was broken down into several small offices so creating the space that would ultimately become the coolest new jewelry store in town, took a lot of work! First came the contractor, who I had known and trusted for years. Next came the displays. I did not know where to start so I reached out to some of my manufacturers' sales reps. Knowing that they visited many stores across the country, they would have good feedback and could help get me connected.
The name ARTCO came up many times! I narrowed it down and called 3 different case companies and when I spoke to Mickey at ARTCO, I felt an immediate connection. Mickey came and toured my building and my current location. We drove around the area so he could get a feel for the community. He took a lot of time getting to know me and my business and listened to all my needs.
Part of the process was me going to his factory in Miami. That was where I got to select the style of case and materials. I was given a complete tour of the factory and got to witness the ARTCO team in action. Each team worked on a specific part of the cases. I was very impressed with the talent of the teams in each department and how they worked together. Mickey also worked closely with my contractor so that everything would come together and fit perfectly.
Shortly after my trip to Miami, COVID caused the closing of everything in our town. We were shut down for 3 months. It was a difficult time but also an eye-opening time. I used the time efficiently to pack only what we absolutely needed in the new location and slowly move. My contractors were put on hold as were the factories where the cases were being made. We were finally able to open for business on June 8th, exactly one week after my cases arrived. There were many silver linings in being shut down and I stayed focused on them and thankfully it all came together.
"I am very happy I chose ARTCO to design and make my cases. I can describe the look of my store as clean and crisp and modern. Customers have expressed how inviting and elegant it looks. Moving to a standalone building that I own has been a good decision. I now stand out and am getting noticed! Thank you, Mickey, and ARTCO for helping me to create my dream store!" said Hill. See below to enjoy images from the newly revamped Van Scoy store.