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VicenzaOro, CIBJO Events Postponed January 05, 2022 (0 comments)


Milan, Italy—Both the January VicenzaOro trade show and the CIBJO General Assembly have been postponed from their original dates of January 24-25 to March 17-18, due to the global upsurge in COVID-19 infections. The CIBJO General Assembly will take place in the Vicenza Exposition Centre concurrently with the trade show.

The CIBJO General Assembly will be the closing session of the 2021 Virtual CIBJO Congress, which took place over eight days in November 2021. It will be a hybrid session, with delegates meeting in person during the show in Vicenza and simultaneously streamed live to other participants around the world.

CIBJO will present two seminars at the VicenzaOro show, dealing with responsible sourcing, social activism, and sustainability in the jewelry industry. Those will now take place on Saturday, March 19, 2022. They are part of an ongoing program conducted by IEG and CIBJO to promote such principles in the jewelry sector, and endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, where CIBJO has special consultative status.

Click here to register for the General Session, either in person or virtual.

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