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How Marketers Are Spending Their Money in 2023 (We Asked 8032 Marketers) June 16, 2023 (0 comments)

Merrick, NY--Neil Patel is a renowned marketing expert. In his latest article on, he surveyed his resources and found out where marketers are confidently spending their money this year.
"With the economy up in the air due to inflation kicking into high gear, war, interest rates rising, and other factors that we can’t control we decided it would be great to see how other marketers are reacting," said Patel. "And we didn’t want to know how marketers were reacting just in the U.S., we wanted to know on a global scale what businesses of all sizes in all major industries (and for both B2B and B2C) are doing. So, at my ad agency, NP Digital, we decided to leverage our site traffic to conduct a wide survey so we could see what other marketers are doing and also find out the “why” behind their decisions. Here’s what we found out."
Key Takeaways:
SEO: Businesses are investing in their SEO heavier than ever before. SEO takes longer to see results, but often provides the best results.
Social Media: Businesses are spending less on social media. I'm not surprised - engagement across social media is at an all-time low.
Content: People are putting tremendous effort into producing good content. With the importance of video, businesses need to allocate a bit more budget to creating worthwhile content.
You can read the complete Neil Patel article here.