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Social Media Audit Essentials For Jewelry Brands February 06, 2019 (0 comments)

1.jpeg When the daily routine of posting, commenting and liking just seems monotonous, it’s time to take a step back and conduct a social media audit. Whether you’re currently in a social media rut or simply want to improve your social media presence, answering the audit questions below will be the first step in developing your brand’s social media strategy.

Step 1: Setting Expectations

It’s important to take some time to figure out what role social media plays in your organization and imperative to set goals for each channel. Start by answering the following questions: What is the purpose of using social media for your brand? You might want more brand awareness or drive traffic to your website. List all of the marketing goals you wish to achieve for your brand from using social media. Decide on which social media channels your brand will be active on. Are there any channels you should be on? Are there any platforms that are just not aligning with your brand’s objectives? You’ll want to only move forward with only the channels that make sense for your brand as well as channels that you have the resources to keep up to date. Who is responsible for your social media efforts? You may have customer service members on your social media team answering clients’ questions directly through social or you might have the owner of your store posting daily behind the scenes stories on Instagram. Breakdown the daily social media responsibilities and assign someone to manage each task. Do you have any social media policy? For instance, will your brand remove any profanity left in the comments section. Are there certain types of content your brand will stay away from posting? Develop an internal social media policy and make sure everyone involved with social media is aware of it. After you have an overview of your social media goals answer the following questions for each social media platform your brand chooses to be on: Why will you use this channel? Does this channel produce any measurable results for your band? If so how have you monitored this channel’s success in the past and which KPIs will you use to monitor its success in the future? How often will you post on this channel? What kind of content will you share on this channel? Who is in charge of posting on this channel? Who is in charge of managing all comments and messages received through this channel?

Step 2: Secure A Reporting Tool

Once you have an idea of your social media goals, you’ll want to secure a social media reporting interface to track them. There are many options to choose from, some of my favorites include Sprout Social, Simply Measured, Hootsuite and Dash This. If budget is an issue you can also start with the free analytics offered within each of the social media platforms. You should also use Google Analytics to track traffic from each social media channel to your website.

Step 3: Evaluate Your Content Strategy

Using the social media reporting tool of your choice, figure out your top ten posts (based on likes and engagement) from the past year. What did they all have in common? Did certain product categories perform better than others? Did your top posts feature influencers? Really dig in and find commonalities of the top social media posts and use them in your future content strategy. Then look at least liked/low engagement posts and dissect them as well. You’ll want to stay away from sharing more of those low performing posts.

Step 4: How Do You Stack Up To Your Competition?

When developing your content strategy, you’ll definitely want to check out what your competitors are doing as well. You want to make sure that your social media efforts are in-line, if not better than what your competitors are putting out. Check out their social media channels and see which of their posts performed well and also the posts that missed the mark. What kind of content are they sharing that you can potentially develop as well? You’ll also want to check out the number of fans they have to set realistic fanbase targets for your brand as well. Now that you have a full overview of all your social media channels, you’ll want to start working on your social media strategy. Stay tuned for my next article which will focus on key components for a successful social media strategy.

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