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10 Tips to Selling Luxury Retail August 05, 2021 (0 comments)


New York, NY--From CEOWorld's Magazine blog, Ayushi Kushwah offers '10 Must-Know Tips For Selling Luxury Retail.' The tips are targeted to help anyone selling luxury, which of course includes jewelry.

From the article:

There is selling common goods and services, and then there is selling luxury. You cannot make the same principles work in both categories because of the huge difference in clientele. There is a reason (apart from the quality of product) as to why only so few luxury brands have managed to last over a period of centuries. It is so because they know the trick to sell.

If you are looking to set up your own shop or franchise or join a retail outlet then you have found the right place to be at. We are going to talk about the ten things that you need to keep in mind if you want to sell luxury to a prospective (luxury) customer.

Make it about the customer
The first thing that you need to keep in mind is that a customer who walks into a luxury outlet is not looking for mere association with the brand but also needs something for themselves. You have to point out what the customer stands to gain by brand association.

A good pitch here would include details about the legacy, existing clientele and the image of the brand you are selling. You need to promote your brand not just as a brand but also as a lifestyle.

Do not ignore the value
Just because the client is ready to place the money, you cannot overlook the element of value that is associated with the product. Tell them about the things that command such a price. The unique constitution, the features, the benefits and the effort that went into making it.

Luxury items are generally handmade; they boast about not only the unique constitution but also effects like graceful aging of the product too. These are a part of the charm of the brand, the things that add value to the item on display.

Add-on features and suggestions should be relevant
Now, do not go overboard with the showmanship. You have to make sure that the features that you are talking about are relevant to the customer. Someone interested in a watch for a corporate occasion will not be interested to buy an Ocean Master.

Features, advantages, and benefits are there to every brand, and they help you move the merchandise too but only if they are of relevance to the customer. Not only what you sell, but you should also know who you are selling to.

Looks matter
How you look, how you present yourself, it makes an impression on the customer. You should not judge a book by its cover but that is exactly what happens when you start representing a brand. Being able to get the attention of the customer is important and looking like the job would help you get there.

The brand you are selling can help you with this; they generally give privileges to one of their own to buy or use merchandise at a lesser price or as part of their compensation package. See if you are able to land something good; if that doesn’t help, take a few grooming classes.

Set the expectations right
Do not have any situation in your mind as the default setting. You never know what the day is going to bring. Having a preset mindset, about it being miserable or magnificent, can backfire on your pitch. Walk-in with an open mind and welcome the day as it comes.

The point is, do not tap into a negative world of thoughts. You need to remain open and forthcoming in this line. Anything that does not go your way should not turn you on to a negative path. Every morning before you start the day, ask yourself, what are you focusing on today?

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