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Sales Strategy

Don’t Fear The Price |  May 11, 2016 (0 comments)


Merrick, NY—As a sales associate, it’s often hard to feel good about quoting a price. Maybe you think it’s too much; maybe you think your customer can’t or won’t afford it. Whatever the reason is, sometimes talking price can be scary.

Mark Hunter of “The Sales Hunter” has some interesting thoughts on pricing. First and foremost, he says, “If price is the reason a customer will or won’t buy, then there is no reason to have salespeople.”

So, clearly, wherever you work, price is not the only reason a customer will or won’t buy. He goes on to list several ways to be less afraid of discussing pricing in this article. (For more on pricing, click here and here.)

Understand why the price is the price. If you think a piece is overpriced, you are unlikely to sell it with the same genuine enthusiasm and good will that you would a piece you feel is fairly priced. So, find out why the price is the price. Understand the components that go into it – the metals and stones as well as the design and manufacturing. Ask questions. Get comfortable. Sell it. Your customer isn’t there just for the price – they want your expertise and they are interested in buying it from your store. Sell the price with integrity.

Roleplay talking about price. Work on when to bring it up and explore the various options when it does so that you’re prepared for whatever the customer says. Hunter says, “Price should not be part of any sales discussion until the customer has shared at least 3 needs they have or benefits they desire.” And “Also, salespeople must be able to recognize if the customer is ready to make a buying decision. Discussing price before these aspects have happened during the call will be damaging.” Click here to learn more about the rabbit hole of discounting.

Say it like you mean it. “Salespeople must be confident in their selling skills, including communicating the price with clarity and eye contact,” says Hunter. This is your goal: clear speech and direct eye contact. Be comfortable, knowledgeable and yes, fearless, with the price. Own it. And then sell it.