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Video: Five Tips from Trainer Jimmy DeGroot to Beat Last Year’s Holiday Sales November 20, 2020 (0 comments)


Green Bay, WI--On November 19, top sales and store trainer Jimmy DeGroot presented "How to Beat Last Year's Holiday Numbers" for a event presented by the Long Island Guild of the American Gem Society (AGS) International Guilds. This article allows you to watch the video with all the sales advice presented.

Jimmy discussed and explained five (5) tips on how to zero in on beating last year's Holiday Sales. He emphasized that these approaches may seem a bit basic but are often forgotten or not focused on and really work. He strongly suggested that not only should store owners watch the video (see link below) but so should store managers and sales team members.

The tips covered include:

1. Having each sales team member make at least Five (5) Outreach Efforts Per Day to customers and prospects via their preferred method of communication. Many ideas on making these contacts were revealed during the presentation (see them all by watching the full video at the link below);

2) Making sure to Go for the Add-On Sale;

3) Having Great Sales Floor Awareness;

4) Using Turnovers among the sales team to keep the sale alive;

5) Awareness of Chain Store promotions and Pricing

Click here or the link below to Watch the 35-Minute Video Now and Share it with your team:

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This AGS Long Island Guild presentation was sponsored by the Jewelers Mutual Goup. The Supporting Sponsor is JCK.