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Sales Strategy

Hal Becker: The Jeweler, The Chimney Sweep, And Why Sales Scripts Are A No-No July 28, 2021 (0 comments)


Cleveland, OH—Hal Becker, a nationally-known speaker on sales and customer service also is a sales columnist for the Cleveland Jewish News. In an article for the paper, he tackles the use of telephone sales scripts in his latest installment. His best advice for creating a winning script?


How many times have you picked up your phone only to have a chirpy voice (which you’re pretty sure is a robot) try and sell you an extended car warranty or new windows or cheaper electricity? Clearly telephone sales get a bad rap.

But it’s not only robocalls or replacement window companies that get it wrong. Lots of smaller businesses do too, says Becker.

By way of example, in the article he relates the story of a friend of his—who happens to be the national training director for one of the largest jewelry store chains in the world—and the sales call he got from a chimney cleaning company. After a hurried greeting, the caller launched into the full sales pitch for its latest chimney sweeping promotion. The jeweler, meanwhile, waited till the end and asked, “what if I don’t have a chimney?”

Sales calls need to be a conversation, not a pitch, says Becker. For examples of the right approach, click here. Learn more about Hal Becker here.