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Hot Summer Ideas To Increase Jewelry Retail Sales June 17, 2022 (0 comments)

People on street

San Francisco, CA--Summer season means more people are spending time outdoors — a great opportunity for retail stores to draw their attention and increase their sales.

[Image source: Flickr Commons]

Could attracting customers be too different for the jewelry retail business, which, unlike tourism and hospitality businesses, might not appear seasonal?

Despite summer being not directly linked to jewelry retail sales. It's a great time to prepare for the many people coming out on the streets.

A blog post by Vend HQ talks about some ideas retailers can invest in to ensure their jewelry store is sparkling with that warm summer vibe.

The post talks about some ideas, such as hosting a summer event, where you could have BBQs and open lunch — a great place to schedule in-store demonstrations. This helps increase traffic to the store and build some customer loyalty.

The post also talks about the importance of getting outdoors, where something as simple as a roadside sign could draw the attention of passers-by and tourists. The post states that your store's window is a great place to showcase your visual merchandise and draw shoppers' attention.

Curious about more interesting summer ideas? Check out the entire blog post.