Sales Strategy
How To Increase Your Jewelry Store’s Local Visibility on Google August 12, 2022 (0 comments)

Newport Beach, CA--Google is the undisputed king of search engines. Being well-visible in Google's search results can positively impact any business' performance.
[Photo by Ingo Joseph via Pexels]
For jewelry retailers, increasing their store's visibility on Google can result in more local customers. So how can stores achieve this?
A blog post by Gemfind Digital talks about some ways jewelry retailers can increase their store's visibility on Google.
First and foremost, retailers should ensure that their website's on-page optimization is in place. This is important as it's a solid indicator to Google about the content. Are they using relevant keywords (and not overdoing them) in their blog posts and web content? For example, a retail store in Las Vegas could target a keyword such as "custom diamond rings in Las Vegas" and build impactful content around it to drive visitors. The web page with this content should also mention the store's address, phone number, and an embedded Google maps location. It would also be helpful to mention why customers should choose your store over your competitors.
The second step is having local citations. Is your business listed on websites such as Yelp and Yellow Pages? Doing this could build credibility for your brick-and-mortar store, let your customers check out your store's reviews, and might even help search engines rank your website.
The article also mentions other factors towards local visibility, such as link building and Google ads.
Read the entire article for more.