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Sales Strategy

Jimmy DeGroot: 4th Quarter Advice for Sales Professionals (By the Way, It’s 4th quarter) September 05, 2024 (0 comments)


Green Bay, WI--You’ll have an OK Christmas. Just do what you always do and don’t try anything new or extra. You’ll get OK results. If you’re happy with that, stop reading now. But chances are if you’re reading this, you’re not typical. You’re not complacent with the status quo.

If you want this upcoming holiday season to really sizzle, print a report of your top 20% of your customers who’ve purchased from you over the past five years. Figure out who on that report has purchased consistently in November or December. Note if they took a year off. Note what they bought and finally the price they paid. Then (and here’s where the magic comes in), find items in your inventory that are likely next purchases or that could pair nicely with their recent purchases. Make sure the price of the items you’re recommending are at least 20% higher than their previous average price points. If George usually stops by in early December and buys a $2,000 item for Mary Ann (look for the pattern), find items in the $2,500 or even $3,000 range. Then start talking to George or Mary Ann NOW about some items you have in mind for the holidays.

Let’s say you find time in your schedule to do this with just two customers per day. By the end of October, you could have reached out to 80 GOOD CUSTOMERS and potentially upsold them by 20%. Not only that, but you could also make them all very happy by allowing them to get their holiday shopping for their loved ones done and over with.  

With just a little bit of wisely spent time during these days before the leaves start turning, we can really make a great impact on our individual sales this upcoming season.  And the cherry on the top is that you raised your average ticket significantly.

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